Even though you may have followed all the previous tips, you can still face some challenges or limitations in getting honest answers from your respondents. For instance, some may be reluctant to admit or reveal certain information, or have inaccurate or incomplete memories or perceptions. To overcome these issues, validate the answers by cross-checking with other sources of data, such as observations, surveys, and secondary research. Look for any inconsistencies or discrepancies that could indicate dishonesty or error. Additionally, triangulate the answers by using different methods, perspectives, or contexts to examine the same phenomenon. This could involve combining interviews with focus groups, experiments, or case studies; interviewing different stakeholders like customers, employees, and competitors; and interviewing the same respondents at different times, locations, and situations. By following these tips and best practices, you can improve your chances of getting honest and valuable answers from your marketing research interviews to gain deeper insights into your target audience and market.