You're coaching a colleague and need to give feedback. How can you do it without straining your relationship?
To maintain a positive relationship while coaching a colleague, approach feedback with tact and empathy. Here's how to do it right:
- Begin with positive observations to set a supportive tone. Acknowledge their strengths before addressing areas for improvement.
- Be specific and objective about what needs change, providing clear examples and avoiding personal criticism.
- Offer actionable suggestions and follow up with resources or assistance to show your commitment to their growth.
Curious about your strategies for giving feedback? Share your approach.
You're coaching a colleague and need to give feedback. How can you do it without straining your relationship?
To maintain a positive relationship while coaching a colleague, approach feedback with tact and empathy. Here's how to do it right:
- Begin with positive observations to set a supportive tone. Acknowledge their strengths before addressing areas for improvement.
- Be specific and objective about what needs change, providing clear examples and avoiding personal criticism.
- Offer actionable suggestions and follow up with resources or assistance to show your commitment to their growth.
Curious about your strategies for giving feedback? Share your approach.
If we give it as feedback then acceptance level could be less but the same message if we give it in a Feed-forward approach, then acceptance will be much better. The good Feed-forward will have Better choice of words High level of emotional intelligence Progressive body language Patience listening Focus on empathy Hyperfocus on their emotional states Being human nature Building safe & comfort space Full fledged confidentiality If these factors are there, certainly the feedback sorry Feed-forward will be accepted wholeheartedly & relationship will also be maintained
Dar feedback é uma habilidade importantíssima qualquer profissional, especialmente para aqueles que atuam como mentores ou líderes de equipes. A forma como você transmite suas observa??es pode influenciar significativamente o crescimento profissional do seu colega e a qualidade do seu relacionamento. Um feedback pontual, oferecido logo após a ocorrência de uma determinada situa??o, é como um farol que guia o aprendizado e o desenvolvimento. Ao associar o feedback à a??o, ele consegue estabelecer uma conex?o clara entre seu comportamento e as consequência , facilitando a internaliza??o do aprendizado. Ao abordar o tema logo de início, você diminui as chances de que o mesmo comportamento se repita no futuro.
Giving feedback to a colleague you’re coaching requires a balanced approach to maintain rapport. Begin by seeking permission to offer feedback, which establishes respect and collaboration. Frame your feedback constructively—focus on behaviors and outcomes rather than personal attributes, using “I” statements to share observations rather than making it about them. Acknowledge their strengths, highlighting positive actions before discussing areas for growth, so the conversation feels balanced. Offer actionable suggestions and invite their perspective to keep it a two-way dialogue. This mutual respect can strengthen both your professional relationship and their openness to feedback.
L'objectif principal est de partager mon avis de manière bienveillante et professionnelle sans risquer de détériorer ma relation. 1. Ma transparence Dès le début, je précise que c'est un feedback qui vise à soutenir sa progression. Mon intention est positive 2. Sandwich Cette méthode consiste à entourer un commentaire constructif de 2 points positifs. Je me focalise uniquement sur les points à améliorer. 3. Observations Je me base sur des situations concrètes. Cela réduit les interprétations personnelles et permet à la personne de voir le feedback comme un moyen de s'améliorer plut?t qu'une critique de sa personnalité.
Start by framing the conversation as supportive and collaborative. Begin by acknowledging their strengths and contributions to establish a positive tone. Approach feedback with empathy, using phrases like, “I noticed something that might help us improve…” to make it clear you’re offering constructive insights. Keep feedback specific and objective, focusing on actions and outcomes rather than personal attributes. Use “we” language to reinforce partnership, such as, “We could try…” or “How can we approach this together?” Invite their perspective by asking for their input, making it a two-way conversation.
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