Your team is resistant to change. How can you manage their pushback while keeping your stress in check?
Active listening:Acknowledge and listen to your team's concerns. This fosters trust and open communication, helping to defuse resistance and encouraging collaborative problem-solving.### *Human connection:Facilitate sessions where team members share their responses to change. This builds trust and openness, reducing fear and helping leaders manage their stress levels.
Your team is resistant to change. How can you manage their pushback while keeping your stress in check?
Active listening:Acknowledge and listen to your team's concerns. This fosters trust and open communication, helping to defuse resistance and encouraging collaborative problem-solving.### *Human connection:Facilitate sessions where team members share their responses to change. This builds trust and openness, reducing fear and helping leaders manage their stress levels.
Handling team pushback while managing stress requires a balanced approach. Drawing from my experience in HR transformation and executive coaching, the first step is to acknowledge and actively listen to the team's concerns without dismissing them, validating their feelings fosters trust and open communication, which can help defuse resistance. I encourage collaborative problem-solving by involving the team in creating solutions and taking ownership of the change process. Transparent communication helps alleviate the fear of the unknown; I ensure that the vision, purpose, and benefits are clear, address questions, and provide regular updates, offering support to help ease the transition. I manage resistance with empathy and collaboration.
Fear of change is deeply rooted in human beings. Our brains are designed to avoid it. Early and extensive information won’t do the trick. It how people feel about the change that makes all the difference. The teams need to sit down and share their individual responses to the proposed change, connecting human to human, as this creates trust and openness which is an antidote to fear. I’d suggest a three hour Immunity To Change-session to go forward. It’s the most effective and valuable method I use to help leaders get unstuck with resistance, and when seeing progress the leaders own levels of stress diminishes.
Take time with each of them to understand where their hesitation comes from... Is it fear of change? Is it a lack of trust? Is it a lack of understanding? When you gather that understanding from each individual then you can find a way to garner buy-in by addressing that barrier and removing it for them. I once had an individual block a project six months in discussion, a week before the launch. He just wanted to be heard and wanted special attention, to feel like he was an important part of the process, so I gave him that and suddenly there was no block any more.
Bring in Head, Heart and Hands. I've observed that virtually everyone has a preference in their way of convincing and persuading others, even with positive intent. They may focus on data and facts, they may focus on an emotional level, or they may simply give behavioral instructions. Each of them is useful, but only when we have all three together do we address it in a way that gives credit to how we as humans really work. First is the heart, explaining a vision and helping them find their way in the change. Second comes the head, these are the reasons, the facts, the business case. Third come hands, these are behaviors, actions. Leaders who can bring all three together are likely to work through resistance much more productively.
As a Leader, you know your Team and their capabilitites: soft and hard skills. In this case, soft skills are required. No matter if they have 5 years or 1 month working with you, it′s a must you know who is who when changes are coming. The bond of trust is a key element. Once you reach a high level of trust, the change(s) to be made will be navigated as a team and not individuals. Each one will know how to support each other because there is nothing stronger than trust. Life itself is about adaptation to changes everyday.
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