Your team member missed the deadline for a delegated task. How will you address the situation effectively?
When a team member misses a deadline, it's crucial to handle the situation with care and strategy. Here are steps to take:
- Assess the situation: Understand the reason for the missed deadline and if it was within the team member's control.
- Communicate effectively: Discuss the impact of the missed deadline and explore solutions without assigning blame.
- Support and adjust: Offer support to prevent future issues and consider adjusting processes or resources if needed.
How do you approach missed deadlines in your team? Share your strategies.
Your team member missed the deadline for a delegated task. How will you address the situation effectively?
When a team member misses a deadline, it's crucial to handle the situation with care and strategy. Here are steps to take:
- Assess the situation: Understand the reason for the missed deadline and if it was within the team member's control.
- Communicate effectively: Discuss the impact of the missed deadline and explore solutions without assigning blame.
- Support and adjust: Offer support to prevent future issues and consider adjusting processes or resources if needed.
How do you approach missed deadlines in your team? Share your strategies.
Cuando un miembro del equipo no cumple con una fecha límite, es clave manejar el tema con empatía y enfoque en la mejora. Lo primero es entender el contexto; hablar con la persona en privado para conocer las causas del retraso y evaluar si hubo factores puntuales que incidieron en el retraso. Una vez comprendida la situación, es útil trabajar juntos en identificar soluciones, como ajustar las cargas de trabajo, mejorar la planificación o reforzar las habilidades en gestión del tiempo, así como también ver posibilidades de entrenamiento o capacitación, en caso que el factor sea por esta causa. Creo que con esto, ayudamos a fortalecer el compromiso y prevenir futuros inconvenientes, manteniendo un ambiente de respeto y confianza.
Peer to peer, this may be a difficult conversation but it is important that we learn how to have difficult conversations as this is an essential part of communication. Knowing why and what obstacles stopped the deadline being met is important. Coming from a person who feels they should be able to handle everything all the time - it could be that they did not want to let you down and are scared to ask for help. It’s important to create the space for someone to respond honestly and provide support. If it is they simply did not perform or manage their time well, highlighting the impact on others and the additional work they may have had to do, is importantly. They need to understand that the impact went beyond them not delivering.
Para lidar eficazmente com um membro da equipe que perdeu o prazo para uma tarefa delegada, comece conversando com ele para entender os motivos do atraso. Avalie se houve falhas no planejamento ou se o suporte necessário foi insuficiente. Reforce a importancia dos prazos e identifique solu??es para evitar futuros atrasos, como melhor organiza??o ou treinamento. Ofere?a apoio para superar desafios e garanta um acompanhamento mais próximo das próximas tarefas para assegurar o cumprimento dos prazos.
Temos que avaliar o impacto do n?o atendimento a demanda gerada pelo atraso. Quando colocamos pessoas em risco o alinhamento antecipado é fundamental. Temos duas fases distintas, alinhar expectativas e o resultado final. Após a perda do prazo é importante entender a causa e mapear a a??es para mitigar evitar recorrência.Criar sensa??es como frustra??o e desmotiva??o n?o é um cenário saudável.
It’s important to address the elephant in the room and provide feedback. If a deadline is going to be missed it needs to be flagged before it happens so the team can reprioritise their workload. This reduces the impact on everyone.
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