Your team has lost trust after a failed change initiative. How will you regain their confidence?
Regaining your team's trust post-failure involves owning the outcome and fostering an open environment for feedback. To rebuild that bridge:
- Acknowledge the failure openly, showing accountability and setting the stage for improvement.
- Encourage dialogue about concerns, allowing team members to voice opinions and suggestions.
- Implement small, achievable goals to gain quick wins and rebuild confidence incrementally.
How do you reestablish trust with your team after a misstep? Share your strategies.
Your team has lost trust after a failed change initiative. How will you regain their confidence?
Regaining your team's trust post-failure involves owning the outcome and fostering an open environment for feedback. To rebuild that bridge:
- Acknowledge the failure openly, showing accountability and setting the stage for improvement.
- Encourage dialogue about concerns, allowing team members to voice opinions and suggestions.
- Implement small, achievable goals to gain quick wins and rebuild confidence incrementally.
How do you reestablish trust with your team after a misstep? Share your strategies.
Si en el proceso previo del cambio o el proyecto fallido, el equipo ha estado suficientemente involucrado e informado y además ha podido participar y se ha tenido en cuenta algunas de sus opiniones difícilmente se vendrán abajo y aprenderán de los errores y fácilmente se repondrán y encontrarán la solución. Si en el equipo hay cultura de permitir el error y animar a seguir intentándolo se encontrarán el camino y las sinergias necesarias. Si es lo contrario, nadie lo intentará.
Reconhecer o fracasso é o primeiro passo, mas é uma ótima oportunidade de aprendizado ainda mais com uma equipe! Esse é o momento de pensar onde falhamos e o que poderíamos fazer para obtermos sucesso. Nesse processo é importante a reflex?o e participa??o de todo o grupo. Quando a vitória chegar o grupo se sentirá parte dela mais do que nunca.
Be fully transparent about where things fell apart with the initiative AND ask for feedback. I've seen far too many companies operate from "behind the curtain" and the rest of the team is left feeling lost and confused about what is actually going on...not to mention severely undervalued. En masse, people respond well to communication and feeling trustED before they're trustING. Being included in the conversation about how to better move things forward will help them feel more connected to the project through contribution, thus enhancing their level of trust in its success.
Después de una iniciativa de cambio fallida, recuperar la confianza del equipo es crucial; para lograrlo, es fundamental reconocer y aceptar la realidad, comunicarse de manera transparente y abierta, analizar y aprender de los errores, y establecer objetivos claros y alcanzables. Para esto se hace necesario involucrar al equipo en el proceso de cambio y proporcionar recursos y apoyo será esencial. al seguir estos pasos, podemos avanzar en esa recuperación de confianza y crear un ambiente de trabajo positivo y productivo.
Reconhecendo primeiramente que as a??es implementadas n?o deram certo, reconhecer o erro de forma humilde e ver o novo momento como oportunidade de melhoria. Trazer o colaborador pra se sentir parte do processo, buscar com eles o que fariam de forma diferente, escutando opini?es e fazendo reflex?es em grupo!