Your team is facing challenging new strategies. How do you keep them motivated and engaged?
When your team faces new, demanding strategies, maintaining motivation and engagement is essential. Here are some practical steps to help:
What strategies have worked for you in keeping your team motivated?
Your team is facing challenging new strategies. How do you keep them motivated and engaged?
When your team faces new, demanding strategies, maintaining motivation and engagement is essential. Here are some practical steps to help:
What strategies have worked for you in keeping your team motivated?
Traditional motivation tactics can feel manipulative. Instead, focus on empowerment by giving your team autonomy and ownership over new strategies. Studies show that employees who feel trusted to make decisions are 50% more likely to innovate (HBR). Steve Jobs put it best: “It doesn’t make sense to hire smart people and tell them what to do; we hire smart people so they can tell us what to do.” Instead of cheering them on, give them the tools and freedom to lead the charge.
Primero, reconoce el esfuerzo de tu equipo y celebra las peque?as victorias. Asegúrate de que entiendan cómo sus contribuciones individuales impactan en el éxito global. Esto genera un sentido de pertenencia y propósito. Además, fomenta un ambiente abierto y de apoyo. Escucha sus inquietudes y proporciona el entrenamiento necesario. Incentiva la innovación y el pensamiento creativo, recordando siempre que juntos pueden superar cualquier desafío.
When the going gets tough-keep your team motivated and engaged by communicating the 'why' in terms of new strategies, and how it fits into the big picture. Break down strategies into achievable goals and celebrate minor wins along the way. Then support them by providing training, resources, and regular check-ins to make sure they are ready and able. Foster an innovative culture of collaboration where ideas and solutions belong to all within the team. Guide and support; recognize sustaining engagement even in challenges as the motivational driver.
When your team faces challenging new strategies, keeping them motivated and engaged is essential for success. Start by clearly communicating the purpose and benefits of the new approach, helping them see how their efforts contribute to the bigger picture. Provide support and resources, such as training or mentorship, to boost their confidence in tackling these challenges. Recognize and celebrate small wins along the way to maintain morale. Encourage open communication, allowing team members to share feedback, ask questions, and feel valued.
As we all strive to push to new limits, there is a constant challenge to help teams achieve. Let me start with things that don’t work. 1. Setting unrealistic goals doesn’t work. 2. Everything that they do can’t be super hard. You need a mix of achievable and stretch targets. Towards the end of what works 1. Having a clear vision on why all of them are pushing the boulder up the hill (for hard goals). 2. Why in terms of vision is important. Same amount of importance is needed to describe what success looks like - Visualize. 3. Team dynamics matter - wars are won by armies not by individuals. 4. Reflection is key. Reflect on what is working and what is not and it may seem obvious - do more of what is working. 5. Listen to the team.
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