Your team is divided on a new pricing strategy. How will you navigate conflicting views and reach consensus?
When your team is at odds over a new pricing strategy, reaching consensus is key. Here’s how to steer towards agreement:
- Facilitate an open forum for discussion, allowing each viewpoint to be heard and respected.
- Identify shared goals and values to remind the team of the bigger picture beyond individual preferences.
- Propose a trial period for the new pricing, collecting data to inform a final decision.
How do you approach conflict resolution within your team? Share your strategies.
Your team is divided on a new pricing strategy. How will you navigate conflicting views and reach consensus?
When your team is at odds over a new pricing strategy, reaching consensus is key. Here’s how to steer towards agreement:
- Facilitate an open forum for discussion, allowing each viewpoint to be heard and respected.
- Identify shared goals and values to remind the team of the bigger picture beyond individual preferences.
- Propose a trial period for the new pricing, collecting data to inform a final decision.
How do you approach conflict resolution within your team? Share your strategies.
A team divided on pricing strategy is like a football squad arguing over tactics—everyone wants to win, but not everyone sees the same path to goal. In Africa, take M-Pesa’s rollout: some thought mobile money should target urban elites, others saw rural communities as the real game-changer. The winning move? Data-driven insights, real user feedback, and a shared vision. Consensus isn’t about agreement—it’s about alignment. Find the common goal, test assumptions, and let results, not egos, decide the play.
Lo clave aqui? es escuchar a todos los involucrados. Cada miembro tiene una perspectiva va?lida, y entender sus preocupaciones es el primer paso para encontrar un punto en comu?n. Fomenta un dia?logo abierto y asegura que todos se sientan escuchados antes de tomar decisiones. A partir de ahi?, lleva la conversacio?n a los datos: ?Que? dicen las cifras? ?Co?mo impactara? la estrategia en el negocio? El consenso no siempre significa unanimidad, pero debe basarse en hechos y en un compromiso comu?n hacia los resultados. Con el enfoque correcto, se puede alinear a todos hacia el objetivo.
Preisstrategien scheitern oft nicht an Daten, sondern an unbewussten Annahmen. Statt nur Zahlen zu analysieren, sollten Teams zuerst ihre eigenen überzeugungen hinterfragen: Welche Narrative beeinflussen unsere Sicht auf Preisgestaltung? Eine L?sung: Ein Perspektivenwechsel-Workshop, bei dem Teammitglieder bewusst die gegenteilige Position einnehmen. Dies f?rdert Verst?ndnis und er?ffnet neue L?sungswege. Anschliessend kann A/B-Testing die Hypothesen validieren. Konsens entsteht nicht durch Abstimmung, sondern durch gemeinsames Erkunden neuer M?glichkeiten – datenbasiert, aber mit einem offenen Mindset.
Entender diferentes perspectivas é crucial para tomar decis?es mais informadas e eficazes, promover inova??o e criatividade, melhorar as rela??es interpessoais por meio da empatia, facilitar a resolu??o de conflitos e incentivar o crescimento e aprendizado pessoal contínuo. Isso contribui para um ambiente de trabalho mais colaborativo e eficiente.
Daniel Martins de Albuquerque Leite
Diretor | Head | Inteligência de Negócios, Comercial e Opera??es
Firstly, we must look at the market, that is, the prices charged by direct and indirect competitors. Next, it is necessary to analyze the economic scenario and the levels of demand for products. After this external view, it is necessary to look inward, at the positioning of the brand, production and distribution costs and the cost of marketing and commercialization strategies. With all these elements, it is about bringing the team to openly and objectively discuss each point and the ideal strategy to be practiced, which can be multiple.