Do you set boundaries in a 24/7 work culture? Share your strategies for maintaining a healthy work-life balance.
To protect your work-life balance, set clear boundaries with your supervisor. Let them know your work hours and stick to them. Turn off work notifications after hours, and prioritize tasks during the day to avoid working late. If needed, discuss flexible arrangements that meet both your needs and your supervisor's expectations.
It's better to discuss & set the time boundaries with your manager. So that your manager/ supervisor can understand that post your deliverables are done he/she is advisible not to disturb your work life balance
Define your working hours and communicate them clearly to your supervisor. Let them know when you are available and when you are not.Have a candid conversation with your supervisor about the expectations for availability. Ask for clarification on priorities and how to manage urgent requests effectively.Suggest structured check-ins or regular updates to reduce the need for constant communication. This allows both you and your supervisor to stay informed without constant interruptions.Politely decline requests that infringe on your personal time, and provide reasoning. For example, “I can’t take that on right now due to prior commitments, but I can address it during our next meeting.”
Para proteger tu equilibrio entre el trabajo y la vida personal cuando tu supervisor exige disponibilidad constante, establece límites claros desde el principio. Comunica de manera respetuosa tus horas de trabajo y momentos de descanso, asegurando que tu tiempo personal sea respetado. Prioriza tus tareas más importantes y organiza tu tiempo de manera eficiente, para que tu supervisor vea que cumples con los objetivos sin necesidad de estar siempre disponible. Además, asegúrate de desconectar cuando termines tu jornada laboral y aprovecha momentos de descanso para recargar energías. Recuerda, ser eficiente no significa estar disponible las 24 horas.
First, there is no perfect balance. I've usually considered it a see-saw. What works for one person isn't the same for everyone, and you should certainly share your expectations and how you will still meet their requirements for getting the job done. Secondly, a practice I have often used, which is driven by a sincere desire for connection, is engaging the leader on non-work topics to get a sense of THEIR work-life arrangement. When you understand their perspective, you can communicate your own perspective in a way that they can understand. The exchanges might even encourage them to prioritize other elements of their life in ways that improve their performance overall because it elevates their mindset. Be human. Treat them like a human.
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