Your subcontractor missed project deadlines on an oil rig. How will you ensure future success?
When a subcontractor misses deadlines on an oil rig, it's crucial to strategize for future reliability. Here are some steps to take:
How do you handle missed deadlines with subcontractors? Share your strategies.
Your subcontractor missed project deadlines on an oil rig. How will you ensure future success?
When a subcontractor misses deadlines on an oil rig, it's crucial to strategize for future reliability. Here are some steps to take:
How do you handle missed deadlines with subcontractors? Share your strategies.
Align with the contractor, try starting with working out what has gone wrong and what has to be done by breaking it down into smaller parts, estimate how long the parts will take, assemble it all into a model of the project in the form of a network of predecessors and successors, ie a critical path network. Then push the contractors to have a feasible plan, and whatever it says about how long the project will take, that’s it. Work to that plan, monitor progress carefully and frequently, re-plan as they go to account for progress and changing circumstances.
I believe - Setting up clear goal and making check marks for timely progress is best to do in these situations. It’s very important to monitor the task completion pattern day to day basis which will act like a leading indicator to rely on that contractor. Back up / contengency replacements needs to be strengthen same time to make sure future operation runs smoothly in case of hard decision making down the line.
Project review Pre and post review the project then find what's going on.... Is there anything delaying the work or the subcontractor not supervising optimistically.
For the success of a project, the engineer supervising the project or works must imperatively have the Microsoft project or an excel spreadsheet sharing the time that will last the project and the specific activities of the project with the exact deadline of each activity.
Ensure all the information you are working with has been checked and is correct. Lab results on mud samples by casing interval. Without there is no way of understanding issues that need to be resolved, and operations adjusted so everything is more efficient. Working for Baroid or as a consultant it was important to me that all daily chemical usage, costs, inventories, tonnage, volumes and where that material was recorded and correct.
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