Your star employee is burning out. How can you reignite their performance?
When a star employee shows signs of burnout, it's crucial to act swiftly to re-energize their performance. Here are some strategies to consider:
- Encourage regular breaks and time off to recharge, emphasizing work-life balance.
- Offer professional development opportunities to reignite their passion for growth.
- Provide meaningful recognition and rewards that resonate with what motivates them personally.
What strategies have helped you support a team member experiencing burnout?
Your star employee is burning out. How can you reignite their performance?
When a star employee shows signs of burnout, it's crucial to act swiftly to re-energize their performance. Here are some strategies to consider:
- Encourage regular breaks and time off to recharge, emphasizing work-life balance.
- Offer professional development opportunities to reignite their passion for growth.
- Provide meaningful recognition and rewards that resonate with what motivates them personally.
What strategies have helped you support a team member experiencing burnout?
In my experience, most employees start to experience burnout when they feel unsupported. I would encourage leaders to help by collaborating with the employee on their deliverables, and finding ways to help alleviate some non critical tasks or implement more efficient processes.
"Have an open conversation to understand their challenges, adjust workloads, encourage breaks or time off, and provide support through mentorship or professional growth opportunities."
Give them a break first for them to go and rejuvenate first then the next thing would be to coach them on how to create margins for rest in their busy work so that they don't reach a burn out point but able to balance work and rejuvenating.
I will suggest some 'recovery' mechanisms with him. I will create daily 'recovery' mechanisms that resonate with him. Eg. Listening to music, Taking a walk, Exercising for a few minutes etc. Few weekly 'recovery' mechanisms can be Going to a movie with family, meeting other business leaders without an agenda, team meeting without an agenda, playing her favourite sport etc. Similarly monthly 'recovery' mechanisms can be set for him. I have to convince him that these 'recovery' mechanisms are needed for him. I will try to convince him showing how high performers have these 'Routines' !
Além de pausas, também converse com ele e recupere feedbacks e momentos anteriores para identificar atividades que o energizam. A partir dessa identifica??o, ajude-o a redistribuir a rotina de maneira que uma boa parte do tempo, pelo próximo período, seja dedicado a atividades energizantes.
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