Your remote team has differing views on performance. How do you bridge the perception gap?
When your remote team has differing views on performance, it's essential to create a shared understanding to ensure everyone is on the same page. Start by identifying the root of the perception gap and then take steps to align everyone’s expectations.
How do you handle differing views on performance in your remote team?
Your remote team has differing views on performance. How do you bridge the perception gap?
When your remote team has differing views on performance, it's essential to create a shared understanding to ensure everyone is on the same page. Start by identifying the root of the perception gap and then take steps to align everyone’s expectations.
How do you handle differing views on performance in your remote team?
Preencher a lacuna de percep??o exigirá clareza, alinhamento e comunica??o eficaz. Algumas estratégias incluem: -Estabelecer KPIs claros e critérios de desempenho mensuráveis. -Refor?ar continuamente os objetivos e valores da empresa para garantir que todos compreendam o impacto do seu trabalho. -Promover check-ins regulares para discutir progresso, desafios e percep??es individuais. -Basear discuss?es em métricas e evidências concretas, reduzindo interpreta??es pessoais. -Incentivar o diálogo aberto sobre expectativas e percep??es. -Reconhecer que produtividade e desempenho podem ser percebidos de forma diferente no trabalho remoto e ajustar abordagens conforme necessário.