Your networking contact is silent after follow-up emails. How do you reignite the conversation?
When a networking contact goes quiet, it's key to re-engage them without seeming insistent. Spark the dialogue anew with these approaches:
- Offer new value: Share an article or event relevant to their interests.
- Change the medium: Try connecting on LinkedIn or at a professional event.
- Be patient and polite: Recognize they may be busy and give them time to respond.
Curious about your strategies to revive a silent networking relationship?
Your networking contact is silent after follow-up emails. How do you reignite the conversation?
When a networking contact goes quiet, it's key to re-engage them without seeming insistent. Spark the dialogue anew with these approaches:
- Offer new value: Share an article or event relevant to their interests.
- Change the medium: Try connecting on LinkedIn or at a professional event.
- Be patient and polite: Recognize they may be busy and give them time to respond.
Curious about your strategies to revive a silent networking relationship?
De acuerdo con mi experiencia, cuando un contacto de red no responde a los seguimientos, es importante reactivar la conversación de manera estratégica y con tacto. Siempre procuro aportar valor en cada interacción; si han pasado varios correos sin respuesta, opto por compartir contenido relevante para sus intereses, como un artículo o un evento que pueda resonar con sus objetivos. También he encontrado útil cambiar el canal de comunicación, acercándome a ellos por LinkedIn o participando en eventos donde sé que estarán, lo cual ayuda a que el contacto sea más natural y menos intrusivo. Finalmente, ser paciente y mantener la empatía es fundamental: muchas veces el silencio no es una se?al de desinterés, sino de una agenda ocupada.
If a networking contact goes silent after follow-ups, approach them with a light, value-focused touch. Start by checking if your timing aligns with their availability, acknowledging they may be busy. Send a brief message offering value, like a relevant article, industry insight, or update on a shared interest, to spark engagement without pressure. Alternatively, express genuine interest in their recent work or industry developments, subtly inviting them to reconnect. Respect their space while staying on their radar, demonstrating patience and continued interest in building the relationship.
There could be any number of reasons for the lack of response, so try not to take it personally. Remember, networking is most effective when based on a system of sharing information based on mutual interest and benefit. So consider taking it back to basics: 1. Is your contact posting other content? If so, take a look and leave a like and a thoughtful comment. 2. If they've posted about a tricky time they are having, consider reaching out with support and any potential solutions that could help me. 3. Are there any upcoming events happening where you might run into each other? If so, make an effort to attend and try to strike up a natural conversation, initially focussing on what has brought you both there today.
I wish I had a secret trick to revive a silent contact! I sometimes joke that if I didn’t have to chase down replies, I could probably work part-time. I try reaching out across different channels in a polite, non-intrusive way, and once I’ve done that, I wait with confidence. When people are interested, they’ll respond—even if it’s a bit later. People are busy, so I don’t take it personally or worry that there’s something wrong with my approach or my request
To re-engage someone in your network, find a new reason, because if there was silence in your last emails, there is no point in insisting on the same point, even if it is important. You will have to look for an empathetic alternative. Try to find places that will be frequented, be seen so as not to be forgotten. It is quite a challenge.
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