Your lab is facing conflicts over test result discrepancies. How can you navigate this challenging situation?
When discrepancies in test results lead to conflict within your lab team, resolving the issue requires a blend of technical scrutiny and interpersonal finesse. Here's how to address the discord:
- Review protocols and procedures to ensure consistency in test execution.
- Facilitate open discussions where each team member can present their findings without judgment.
- Encourage a collaborative approach to problem-solving, focusing on the shared goal of scientific integrity.
How do you handle differences in test interpretations among colleagues?
Your lab is facing conflicts over test result discrepancies. How can you navigate this challenging situation?
When discrepancies in test results lead to conflict within your lab team, resolving the issue requires a blend of technical scrutiny and interpersonal finesse. Here's how to address the discord:
- Review protocols and procedures to ensure consistency in test execution.
- Facilitate open discussions where each team member can present their findings without judgment.
- Encourage a collaborative approach to problem-solving, focusing on the shared goal of scientific integrity.
How do you handle differences in test interpretations among colleagues?
Em casos onde há discrepancia de resultados obtidos e/ou até discordancia entre a equipe, deve-se levar em conta e avaliar: - Método utilizado ( que seja a última vers?o atualizada) - Treinamento da equipe ( todos devem falar a mesma linguagem) - Condi??es ambientais ( que sejam as ideais para a análise) - Reagentes e padr?es (verificar data de validade) - Curva de calibra??o se for o caso - Calibra??o dos equipamentos - Verificar tendência do equipamento com avalia??o da carta de controle - Avaliar os protocolos de análise E acima de tudo diálogo franco e aberto com toda equipe para entender o motivo da discordancia de modo a assegurar confiabilidade do resultado e que todos possam contribuir para a melhoria dos processos.
To navigate the challenge of test result discrepancies in our lab, I would take the following steps: 1. Reassign Specialists: Rotate specialists between different sections, such as moving the hematology specialist to the biochemistry section. This helps minimize personal errors that often contribute to discrepancies. 2. Quality Control Checks: Conduct thorough quality control checks on all aspects, from control products to equipment. Ensuring that all processes and tools meet the required standards is crucial. 3. Instrument Troubleshooting: If the issue is identified as being related to instruments, such as an auto-analyzer or hematology cell counter, contact the manufacturer for support. In most cases, this will resolve the problem.
Por mi experiencia dirÃa que es importante considerar: -Estándares o patrones: deben prepararlos siempre la misma persona, a lo sumo, un reemplazante. -Los equipos deben estar calibrados de acuerdo a las indicaciones del fabricante (y el mantenimiento preventivo al dÃa). -Los protocolos deben ser los más adecuados a los equipos y reactivos con los que se maneja el laboratorio (no siempre lo último que se ha publicado resulta lo más adecuado a nuestro laboratorio). -Todos debemos conocer y estar entrenados en los protocolos que utilizamos. *Opinión: La regularidad y consistencia de nuestros resultados es tan importante como la precisión de los mismos. A veces es preferible perder algo de precisión pero brindar siempre resultados comparables.
When something like this situation happened in the past during my thesis projects it was useful to redo the tests with which we had discrepancies, always double-checking protocol. When the issue persisted, asking another expert on the matter or reviewing bibliography of the same line of investigation and looking for similarities in test results can be very useful to solve the problem.
When faced with a situation like this, consider taking the following steps: - Review the reagent protocols and verify the device settings. - Have an open discussion with your team members, ensuring a judgment-free environment. - If the results are still unsatisfactory, consult with an external expert for advice. - Create a protocol to address similar issues spontaneously in the future.