Your clients are focused on cost savings. How can you convince them of the importance of sustainability?
Understanding the balance between cost savings and sustainability is crucial for businesses in today's market. Your clients, like many, may prioritize immediate financial gains, often overlooking the long-term benefits and necessity of sustainable practices. Convincing them to adopt a more sustainable approach requires a clear explanation of how these practices can lead to cost savings, improved brand reputation, and compliance with evolving regulations. By emphasizing the alignment of sustainability with their financial goals, you can make a compelling case for why it should be integrated into their business strategy.
Dr. Mohamed Tawfik, PhD(c), MPhil, MBA, CMCMThe inventor of the GIDC model | Marketing and Sales Director of Dawa Najd | Advisory Board Member of IASTEM Academy |…
APRAJITA MISHHRAAIIFM'25 II MBA (Sustainability Management) II Siemens - Winter Intern II JCB - Summer Intern II NLU-D II Ex-Daikin…
Jeremy RugunyaManaging Partner | SFAI Kenya1 个答复