Your client is withholding key project information. How do you ensure your decision-making remains effective?
When a client withholds key project information, it can create significant obstacles. To maintain effective decision-making, you must employ strategic approaches to gather the needed details and proceed confidently. Here are some actionable strategies:
How do you handle clients who withhold information? Share your strategies.
Your client is withholding key project information. How do you ensure your decision-making remains effective?
When a client withholds key project information, it can create significant obstacles. To maintain effective decision-making, you must employ strategic approaches to gather the needed details and proceed confidently. Here are some actionable strategies:
How do you handle clients who withhold information? Share your strategies.
When the client withholds key info, I don’t just sit around and wait for them to change their mind. I make the best call with what I’ve got, and keep pushing for clarity. If they’re playing games, I’ll highlight the risks of moving forward in the dark. Meanwhile, I’ll find workarounds, use the data I do have, and keep the project on track. Can't fix what you don’t know, but we can still move forward.
Navigating information gaps is crucial for project success. Employing active listening and building trust can facilitate better communication. "The more you know, the more you realize you don't know." - Aristotle
(1) I would directly communicate with the client to better understand their key objectives and any constraints, ensuring I gather as much context as possible to fill in the gaps of missing information. (2) I would rely on available data, my team’s expertise, and past project experience to make well-informed decisions, while remaining flexible to adjust as new information comes to light.
This happens all the time. for some reason clients believe telling you all is opening themselves to risks. People want to reduce vulnerability and are terrified of being labelled the person who blurted out sensitive information. Simply tell them that their information is worthless to anyone including themselves if they don't use it to their advantage by sharing it with you.
One thing I have found helpful when discovering a client is withholding information is to hold a “Clarity Conversation”. The key to this conversation is to come at it from a place of curiosity and trust. I would clearly communicate what requires clarity before the project may move forward. Delays cost money as does rework. In my experience, the client appreciates the openness of bringing the situation, the apparent withholding of information, into the open. When this approach has been successfully used, the client will be more open to sharing information to ensure success of the project. If this is not successful, the project will need an official time out. The project will be put on hold until a resolution is achieved and communicated.
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