Your AI project hits unexpected roadblocks. How do you navigate through the limitations to achieve success?
Embarking on an Artificial Intelligence (AI) project can be a thrilling journey, but it's not uncommon to encounter unexpected roadblocks. Whether it's data quality issues, algorithmic challenges, or resource constraints, these hurdles can seem daunting. The key to navigating through these limitations and achieving success lies in a strategic and flexible approach. By understanding the common pitfalls and learning how to adapt, you can steer your AI project back on course towards its goals.
Michael MiraftabMicrosoft Dynamics 365 | Microsoft 365 Copilot | Azure | Modern Workplace (Microsoft 365)
Marco NarcisiCEO | Founder | AI Developer at | Google and IBM Certified AI Specialist | LinkedIn AI and Machine Learning…
Dr. Serge FindlingChief Information Officer | Executive | Thought Leader | Advisor | AI | Digital Transformation | Innovation |…