Designing AR content according to learning objectives, audience, and context is the next step. Instructional and user experience design principles should be followed to ensure the content is engaging, effective, and usable. Consider the purpose of the AR content in terms of how it supports learning outcomes, motivates learners, and adds value to the course. Content and layout should also be taken into account; this includes the amount, type, and quality of information and graphics, as well as how they are organized and presented. Additionally, consider the interaction and feedback of the AR content, such as how learners can interact with elements and receive guidance and feedback. Usability and accessibility should also be considered in terms of how easy it is to scan, view, and manipulate the AR content; it should accommodate different learners’ needs and preferences. Examples of AR content for e-learning include virtual tours of historical sites with 3D models of buildings and artifacts with audio narration and quizzes; medical procedure simulations with 3D models of organs and instruments that allow learners to practice steps and receive feedback; as well as games that challenge learners to solve puzzles using AR images or videos with rewards such as badges or scores.