You need to find economic research databases for your work. How can you make sure they’re comprehensive?
Finding reliable and relevant economic research databases can be challenging, especially if you need to cover a wide range of topics, regions, and sources. Economic research databases are collections of data, publications, and analysis on various aspects of the economy, such as growth, trade, inflation, employment, and development. They can help you access the latest information, compare different perspectives, and support your own work with evidence and insights. But how can you make sure that the databases you use are comprehensive enough to meet your needs? Here are some tips to help you evaluate and select the best economic research databases for your work.
Tomi Akinwale ACCA, ACA, ACTI, B.TECH, FMVA, AAT.Tax | Deloitte | Financial Reporting | Unlocking Your Career Potential
Siavash EftekhariFinancial & Economic advisor to Board of Directors at CinnaGen Co.
Sita Ram G.Economist | Specialist in Time Release Studies, Finance Commission Strategy & International Trade Logistics | Global…