A fifth technique to create accessible website navigation is to test and evaluate your navigation on different browsers, devices, and scenarios, as well as with different users and tools. This can help you identify and fix any issues or errors that can affect the usability and accessibility of your website. To do this, you can use browser developer tools, such as Chrome DevTools or Firefox Developer Tools, to inspect and debug your code, as well as simulate different screen sizes, devices, and network conditions. Additionally, web accessibility evaluation tools like WAVE or AXE can check and report any accessibility violations or warnings on your website. Furthermore, keyboard and screen reader testing can be done by using the tab key, the arrow keys, the enter key, and the space bar. You can also use a screen reader software such as NVDA or VoiceOver to navigate and interact with your website. Finally, user testing and feedback through surveys, interviews, or usability tests with real or potential users (especially those with disabilities or impairments) can help you observe how they use and experience your website. This way you can collect their opinions and suggestions.