The scope of a variable is the region of the program where the variable is accessible and valid. The scope depends on where and how the variable is declared. In Java, there are four types of scope: class, method, block, and local. Class scope means that the variable is declared outside any method or block, and belongs to the class as a whole. Method scope means that the variable is declared inside a method, and is accessible only within that method. Block scope means that the variable is declared inside a pair of curly braces, such as a loop or an if statement, and is accessible only within that block. Local scope means that the variable is declared as a parameter of a method, and is accessible only within that method.
Modifiers are keywords that modify the behavior or accessibility of a variable. In Java, there are two types of modifiers: access and non-access. Access modifiers determine who can access the variable from other classes or packages. There are four access modifiers in Java: public, private, protected, and default. Public means that the variable is accessible from any class or package. Private means that the variable is accessible only from the same class. Protected means that the variable is accessible from the same class or its subclasses, or from classes in the same package. Default means that the variable is accessible from classes in the same package, but not from other packages. Non-access modifiers modify the behavior of the variable in other ways, such as making it constant, static, or volatile. There are several non-access modifiers in Java, such as final, static, transient, and volatile. Final means that the variable cannot be changed once assigned. Static means that the variable belongs to the class, not to any instance of the class. Transient means that the variable is not serialized when the object is saved or transferred. Volatile means that the variable is updated by multiple threads in a synchronized way.