Different frameworks and tools can be used for structured problem solving, such as the DMAIC cycle, the 5 Whys technique, the Fishbone diagram, the Pareto chart, the SWOT analysis, and the Decision matrix. Generally, these tools follow a process with four main steps: defining the problem, analyzing it, generating and evaluating solutions, and implementing and monitoring them. Problem statements, stakeholder maps, and SMART goals can be used to define the problem clearly. Data collection and analysis, 5 Whys, Fishbone diagram, and Pareto chart can help identify root causes and contributing factors. Brainstorming, SWOT analysis, Decision matrix, and Cost-benefit analysis can be used to generate solutions that meet criteria for success. Action plans, Gantt charts, RACI matrix, and Key performance indicators can help in implementing and monitoring solutions in terms of tasks, responsibilities, timelines, and outcomes.