What are some ways to use a product demonstration to show the ROI of a product?
A product demonstration is a powerful way to showcase the value and benefits of your product to potential customers. But how can you make sure that your product demo not only impresses your audience, but also convinces them that your product is worth investing in? One way is to use your product demo to show the return on investment (ROI) of your product. ROI is a measure of how much profit or value your product can generate for your customers compared to the cost of using it. Showing the ROI of your product can help you overcome price objections, demonstrate competitive advantage, and build trust and credibility. In this article, we will explore some ways to use a product demonstration to show the ROI of your product.
Dean PetersonTop 1% LinkedIn Voice (DM, B2B, PMM & Leadership) | Digital Marketing & Growth Leader (B2B & B2C) | Certified Startup…
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Stefan GladbachSenior Product Marketing Manager & Product Marketing Consultant | B2B Technology & SaaS | I Make Product Marketing Cool