What are some of the tools or platforms that you use to deliver online or blended learning to your employees?
Online or blended learning is a flexible and cost-effective way to deliver employee training, especially in the context of remote work and changing business needs. However, to create engaging and effective learning experiences, you need to use the right tools or platforms that suit your goals, content, and audience. In this article, we will explore some of the common types of tools or platforms that you can use to deliver online or blended learning to your employees, and what are some of the benefits and challenges of each.
Leonard Rodman, M.Sc. PMP? LSSBB? CSM? CSPO?IT System Administrator | AI Implementation Analyst | Agile Project Manager | 44k followers & 20M views/16mo | 9k…
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Sandeep GodkhindiA Seasoned Learning & Development Practioner | Experience Designer | Service Designer | Adoption Specialist |…