One of the first steps to create a BOM is to define its hierarchy, or how the components are organized and related to each other. A common way to do this is to use a parent-child or top-down structure, where the final product is the parent and the subassemblies and parts are the children. Alternatively, you can use a modular or bottom-up structure, where the parts are grouped into modules that can be reused or replaced. Depending on your product and industry, you may also need to consider different levels of detail, such as engineering, manufacturing, or service BOMs.
That is very accurate. We had several ways to start our BOMs was to use Generic subassemblies. For an example for electrical wire we calculated a subcategory for electrical wires by length and width for all 4 sides (roof, floor, 2 sidewalls) of the unit multiplied by cost per square feet. Also fasteners like nails and screws of all sizes, strengths, specialties. Then again we use dimension formula. Length, widths, etc.
Structuring and formatting BOM are extremely crucial for accuracy and efficiency in any project. Some of the best practices include organizing the BOM logically, starting with higher-level assemblies and then slowly breaking down components progressively. Group similar items together to facilitate procurement and assembly processes. Including essential information such as unit of measure, cost, and supplier details to aid in cost estimation and purchasing. Most importantly, consistency in formatting throughout the BOM document is ensured to enhance readability and ease of use for all stakeholders.
Another important decision is to choose the format of your BOM, or how the information is presented and displayed. There are several types of BOM formats, such as spreadsheet, table, graphical, or software-based. Each format has its advantages and disadvantages, depending on your needs and preferences. For example, a spreadsheet format is simple and easy to use, but it may not be able to handle complex relationships or changes. A graphical format can show the visual representation and layout of the components, but it may not include all the relevant data or details. A software-based format can automate and integrate the BOM creation and management process, but it may require more investment and training.
A naming convention is a set of rules or guidelines for naming the components and parts in your BOM. It helps to avoid confusion, duplication, and errors, and to ensure consistency and clarity. A good naming convention should be descriptive, concise, and standardized. For example, you can use abbreviations, prefixes, suffixes, or codes to indicate the type, function, or location of the component. You can also use a numbering system, such as serial numbers, part numbers, or item numbers, to identify and track the components. However, you should avoid using generic or ambiguous names, such as "screw" or "plate", that may cause confusion or misinterpretation.
Agreed in my experience the company I worked for usually stood closely to vendors description with minor changes. We would make it model specific if we did not have use for the part in other existing models.
A BOM should include all the essential data that are necessary to identify, describe, and procure the components and parts in your product. This information may vary depending on your product and industry, but some of the common ones are a name following a naming convention, a brief description of the component or part including its specifications, features, or functions, the number of units required for the product, the unit of measure such as pieces, grams, liters, or meters, the source of the component or part (internal, external, or supplier), the cost per unit or total, and a reference or link to the component or part such as a drawing, document, or URL.
A revision control system is a method or tool used to manage the changes and updates to a BOM over time. This system helps to keep track of the history, versions, and status of the BOM, as well as to provide everyone involved in product development access to the latest and correct information. A revision control system should include a revision number, which is a unique number that indicates the version of the BOM; a revision date, which is the date when the revision was made; a revision author, which is the person who made the revision; and finally, revision notes, which is a summary or explanation of the changes or reasons for the revision.
In my case we called them change orders and needed approval signatures. Then we would scan document to file with the BOMs revision history.
The final step to create a BOM is to review and validate it, meaning to check and verify that it is complete, accurate, and consistent. This task can be done by yourself or by others, such as team members, managers, customers, or suppliers. It is important to review and validate your BOM at different stages of the product development process, such as design, prototyping, testing, or production. Additionally, you should consider the completeness of the components and parts included in the BOM; the accuracy of the data and information; the consistency of the naming convention, format, and hierarchy; the clarity of the BOM; and its compliance with industry or customer requirements and standards.
This was a very clear explanation of how the BOM process worked. The position was a very valuable part in how a company can keep the financial records for pricing in inventory, profits, sales history in future and in past. Many different branches in a companies financial success.
Product DesignHow can you optimize a bill of materials to meet the needs of all departments?
Product DesignHow can you balance accuracy and speed when creating a bill of materials?
Manufacturing EngineeringHow can you customize the BOM for different customer needs and market requirements?
Bill of MaterialsHow do you measure and improve the performance and value of your bill of materials?