One of the main advantages of using MVC is that it allows you to organize your code structure in an organized and logical way. However, it is important to note that there is no one-size-fits-all solution for structuring your MVC project, as different frameworks and languages may require different approaches. To help guide you, here are some general guidelines: Utilize a folder or directory structure that reflects the MVC components such as /models, /views, and /controllers. Additionally, group your files by functionality or feature, like /users, /posts, or /products. Furthermore, use a naming convention that indicates the role and purpose of each file, like User.php for the model, user.php for the view, and UserController.php for the controller. Additionally, use a consistent and descriptive naming convention for your classes, methods, variables, and constants that follows the standards and conventions of your language and framework. For example, camelCase or snake_case for variables, PascalCase for classes, and lowercase for constants.