The first thing you should do after reaching a verbal agreement is to write a clear and concise summary of the main points, terms, and conditions. This summary should include the names of the parties, the date and location of the negotiation, the objectives and interests of each side, the specific actions and responsibilities agreed upon, the deadlines and milestones, the criteria and methods for measuring performance and resolving disputes, and any other relevant details. You should also use clear and unambiguous language, avoid jargon and acronyms, and define any technical terms. The summary should be as brief as possible, but not at the expense of clarity and accuracy.
summary is the written form of an agreement reached verbally. therefore, it is very important in terms of agreed items. while the summary is written short, it should be comprehensive and nothing should be left out.
The next step is to confirm the summary with your counterpart, and make sure that they agree with everything you've written. You can do this by sending them an email or a letter, or by scheduling a follow-up meeting or call. The purpose of this step is to verify that there are no errors, omissions, or misunderstandings in the summary, and that both parties have the same interpretation of the agreement. You should also invite your counterpart to ask any questions, clarify any doubts, or suggest any changes or additions. This is an opportunity to show respect and appreciation for your counterpart, and to reinforce the rapport and trust you've built during the negotiation.
Once you and your counterpart have confirmed the summary, you can finalize and sign the agreement. This is the formal and legal document that binds both parties to the terms and conditions of the negotiation. Depending on the nature and complexity of the agreement, you may need to consult a lawyer or an expert to draft and review it. You should also ensure that the agreement complies with any applicable laws, regulations, or standards. The agreement should be signed by the authorized representatives of both parties, and each party should receive a copy of it. You should also keep a record of the agreement in a secure and accessible place.
After signing the agreement, you should monitor and communicate the progress of the implementation. This means that you should track and measure the performance and outcomes of the actions and responsibilities agreed upon, and report them to your counterpart regularly. You should also keep in touch with your counterpart, and update them on any changes, challenges, or issues that may arise during the execution of the agreement. The frequency and mode of communication may vary depending on the agreement, but it should be consistent and transparent. The goal of this step is to ensure that both parties are fulfilling their commitments, and to address any problems or concerns as soon as possible.
El gran error al finalizar una negociación es pensar que la negociación ha finalizado con el acuerdo o con la firma del mismo. El cierre es un paso más, que da estabilidad y permite pasar a una siguiente fase, pero sería un error pensar que ese cierre permite pasar página. En el mundo actual, las negociaciones son habitualmente reevaluadas y contienen cláusulas de seguimiento y cumplimiento. Para ello necesitaremos siempre dos elementos: 1) Una sistemática sólida prefijada 2) Unos indicadores de seguimiento A partir de aquí podremos realmente darle consistencia a nuestra negociación, que será la piedra angular de su éxito
Perhaps, due to the large number of contracts, you will not be able to monitor all of them and will have to entrust them to legal and financial colleagues. However, in case of non-fulfillment of the obligations by the other party, take responsibility for the follow-up and exchange of opinions.
The final step is to provide and solicit feedback on the agreement and the negotiation process. This means that you should evaluate and acknowledge the results and benefits of the agreement, and express your satisfaction and gratitude to your counterpart. You should also ask your counterpart for their feedback, and listen to their opinions and suggestions. You should also reflect on your own performance and behavior during the negotiation, and identify your strengths and weaknesses. The purpose of this step is to learn from the experience, improve your skills, and enhance your relationship with your counterpart.
Feedback can include the benefits obtained from the agreement for the parties and eliminating the risks that would have been imposed on both parties if there was no agreement. Pointing to the timely and complete fulfillment of obligations on your part will strengthen and maintain the created trust. On the other hand, appreciating the other party for adhering to its obligations by mentioning the phrases and brief details both shows your gratefulness and the precision of your side in monitoring the agreements.
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