APMG Change Management is another popular and widely recognized change management accreditation type. It is based on the Change Management Body of Knowledge (CMBoK), which is a comprehensive guide to the theory and practice of change management. APMG Change Management accreditation is designed to help change practitioners develop their knowledge, skills, and competencies in four areas: change and the individual, change and the organization, communication and stakeholder engagement, and change management practice. The pros of APMG Change Management accreditation are that it is comprehensive, rigorous, and globally recognized. It covers a wide range of topics and perspectives on change management, from psychology to strategy. It also follows a standardized and structured curriculum and assessment process, which ensures quality and consistency. The cons of APMG Change Management accreditation are that it can be complex, theoretical, and demanding. It requires a lot of reading, studying, and preparation for the exams. It also requires a deep understanding and application of the CMBoK, which may not be relevant or applicable to all situations and contexts.