To implement OAuth in a Node.js app, you will need to use some tools and libraries that facilitate the communication and integration with the provider platforms. One of the most popular and widely used tools is Passport.js, which is a middleware that provides various authentication strategies for Node.js applications. Passport.js supports over 500 authentication strategies, including OAuth for Google, Facebook, Twitter, GitHub, and many more. To use Passport.js, you will need to install it as a dependency, along with the specific strategy module for your provider. For example, to use Google OAuth, you will need to install passport and passport-google-oauth20. You will also need to register your web application as a client on the provider's developer console, and obtain a client ID and a client secret. You will then need to configure the Passport.js middleware, and define the routes and callbacks for the OAuth flow. You will also need to store and manage the tokens securely, and use them to access the user's profile and data from the provider. You can find more details and examples on how to implement OAuth in a Node.js app on the Passport.js website and documentation.