Like any other skill, mindfulness and meditation require patience and perseverance, and you may encounter some challenges and obstacles along the way. Distraction can be an issue, as it can be hard to focus on your breath, body, or object of meditation due to external noises, internal thoughts, or emotional reactions. Acknowledge your distraction without judging or resisting it, and gently bring your attention back to your practice. You can also use headphones, earplugs, or music to block out external noises, or choose a quieter and more secluded place to practice. Boredom may also arise due to the lack of stimulation, variety, or excitement. Remind yourself of the benefits of your practice such as improved focus, well-being, and performance. Vary your practice by trying different techniques, durations, or times of the day, or join a group or class that motivates you. Lastly, resistance or aversion to practicing mindfulness and meditation may be due to fear of facing unpleasant feelings, thoughts, or memories. Be gentle and compassionate with yourself and accept whatever arises in your mind and body without judging or avoiding it. Seek support from a friend, teacher, or therapist if needed for coping or healing.