Your portfolio should also showcase your technical skills and tools that you used to perform data analysis. You can use
tags to display code snippets, charts, graphs, tables, or dashboards that illustrate your data manipulation, visualization, or modeling techniques. You can also mention the software, languages, frameworks, or libraries that you used, such as Excel, Python, R, SQL, Tableau, or Power BI. However, avoid using too much jargon or technical details that might confuse or bore the reader.
###### Highlight your business acumen and communication skills
Your portfolio should not only show your technical skills and tools, but also your business acumen and communication skills. You should be able to explain how your data analysis projects solved a real-world problem, added value, or generated insights for a specific domain or industry. You should also be able to communicate your findings and recommendations in a clear, concise, and compelling way, using storytelling, data visualization, or presentation skills. You can use examples, anecdotes, or testimonials to support your claims and show your impact.
###### Include feedback and improvement plans
Your portfolio should also include feedback and improvement plans that show your willingness to learn and grow as a data analyst. You can use feedback from your clients, peers, mentors, or instructors to highlight your strengths and areas of improvement. You can also use improvement plans to show how you plan to enhance your skills, learn new tools, or tackle new challenges. You can use SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) goals to set realistic and actionable objectives for your professional development.
###### Update and customize your portfolio regularly
Your portfolio should also be updated and customized regularly to reflect your current skills, achievements, and interests. You should review your portfolio periodically and add new projects, remove outdated ones, or revise existing ones. You should also customize your portfolio according to the specific audience, industry, or role that you are targeting. You should highlight the projects, skills, or tools that are most relevant and appealing to them. You should also use keywords, phrases, or terms that match their needs and expectations.
######Here’s what else to consider
This is a space to share examples, stories, or insights that don’t fit into any of the previous sections. What else would you like to add?