What are the most common mistakes new lecturers make and how can you avoid them?
Lecturing is a complex and challenging skill that requires practice, feedback, and reflection. As a new lecturer, you may face some common pitfalls that can affect your effectiveness, confidence, and satisfaction. In this article, you will learn about six of these mistakes and how to avoid them or overcome them.
Dr. Amit Kumar DasPh.D. (FMS)| MBA (FMS)| B. Tech (IIT K) | Visiting Faculty | 25 years of Aviation Digital Tech - Ops, Commercial…
Dr. Loshma GunisettiProfessor and Head CSE(AI) & AI&ML , Sri Vasavi Engineering College, Pedatadepalli
Anurag Kumar SinghModelling & Simulation Engineer, SLB, |Ph.D. IIT Delhi|, |M.Tech. IIT Delhi|