A full proposal is a detailed and comprehensive document that provides more information and evidence to support your funding request. It is usually required after you have passed the initial screening stage and have been invited by the funder to submit a full proposal. A typical full proposal should include the following elements: a cover letter that summarizes your proposal and expresses your appreciation for the opportunity; a title page that identifies your organization, your project, and your funding request; an abstract or executive summary that gives an overview of your proposal; a statement of need that describes the problem or issue that your project addresses and why it is important; a project description that explains the goals, objectives, methods, activities, timeline, and evaluation plan of your project; a budget that details the income and expenses of your project and shows how you will use the funds; a budget narrative that explains and justifies each budget item; an organizational profile that describes your organization's history, mission, vision, values, staff, board, partners, and achievements; and any supporting documents that demonstrate your credibility and capacity, such as letters of support, resumes, annual reports, audits, etc.