To estimate the maximum number of devices that can be connected to a Zigbee network, you need to consider the network type, the device type, the address space, and the memory capacity. While there is no definitive formula for calculating the maximum number of devices, general guidelines and assumptions can help you get an approximate figure. For instance, a coordinator device can support up to 20 router devices and 20 end devices; a router device can support up to 20 router devices and 20 end devices; an end device can only communicate with one coordinator or router device; and a network address can be reused if a device leaves the network or changes its parent device. Additionally, a MAC address cannot be reused if a device leaves the network or changes its parent device, and each device requires at least 4 bytes of memory to store each network address and 8 bytes of memory to store each MAC address. Consequently, for a star network, the maximum number of devices is 21; for a tree network, it is 421; and for a mesh network, it is 65535. However, these are only rough estimates, as the actual number of devices that can be connected to a Zigbee network may vary depending on the specific configuration, features of the devices, and application requirements. Therefore, it is advisable to test your Zigbee network before deploying it in a real environment and to monitor its performance and stability regularly.