Causal forecasting is another type of quantitative forecasting that uses historical data to predict future values based on the assumption that there is a causal relationship between two or more variables. Causal forecasting can be divided into two categories: regression and simulation. Regression forecasting uses statistical techniques, such as linear or multiple regression, to estimate the relationship between a dependent variable, such as sales or revenue, and one or more independent variables, such as price, advertising, or income. Simulation forecasting uses mathematical techniques, such as Monte Carlo or discrete event simulation, to model the behavior of a system or a process under different scenarios or conditions. Causal forecasting can help you understand the factors that affect your performance, test the impact of different strategies or policies, and forecast complex or uncertain outcomes. However, causal forecasting can also be challenging, time-consuming, or inaccurate, so you should always verify the validity and significance of your relationship and scenarios.