What are effective strategies for leaders to make better decisions?
As a leader, you face many complex and uncertain situations that require you to make important decisions. How can you improve your decision-making skills and avoid common pitfalls that can undermine your effectiveness and credibility? In this article, you will learn some effective strategies for leaders to make better decisions, based on research and best practices from the fields of psychology, management, and decision science.
Dhatchana MoorthiData Science & Engineering | Linkedln Top Voice ( Community )
Melina Moleskis, PhD MBAI teach and train about the cognitive side of decision-making | GAABS Board member
Sanjay Bokadia战略财务领导者 | 资金筹集、并购、首次公开发行、尽职调查、税务与风险管理 | 创业顾问 | 环境、社会与公司治理(ESG)| 医疗保健 | 铜合金 | 工程采购建设(EPC)| 电信 | 制药辅料 | 纸业 | 花卉