The core of the MVP iteration process is the build-measure-learn loop, a cycle of creating, testing, and learning from your product. To minimize the time and cost of each loop while maximizing learning and value, it's important to follow best practices. When building, create the simplest and fastest version of your iteration that can test your assumption or hypothesis. Utilize tools and methods that allow for rapid prototyping and launching, such as mockups, wireframes, landing pages, or code snippets. Measurement should involve collecting and analyzing data and feedback from users to determine if the iteration achieved its goal or validated the hypothesis. Utilize quantitative and qualitative methods such as surveys, interviews, analytics, or experiments to gather meaningful information. After interpreting the results and insights from measurement, decide what to do next: persevere with the current iteration, pivot to a different direction, or kill the iteration altogether. Document and communicate learnings to the team and stakeholders.