What do you do if your professional network in the strategy field is weak?
Networking is crucial for any professional, but especially for those who want to pursue a career in strategy. Strategy is a field that requires constant learning, collaboration, and exposure to different perspectives and opportunities. However, building a strong network in this field can be challenging, especially if you are just starting out or transitioning from another domain. In this article, we will share some tips on how to overcome this challenge and grow your network in the strategy field.
Parveen Chand MHA, FACHEChief Operating Officer Ascension St. Vincent- Indiana
Sara TatePartner / TwentyFirstCenturyBrand, Author / The Rebuilders, NED / Erotic Review/ Adage / Leading Women
CHARLES DALLAMICODiretor Comercial | Estratégica Comercial | Orienta??o a novos negócios | Expans?o Comercial | Diretor Oren Business |…