What do you do if you want to ensure your analytical skills are passed on to the next generation?
Analytical skills are the ability to collect, process, and interpret data and information to solve problems and make decisions. They are essential for many careers and fields of study, but they are also valuable for everyday life and personal development. If you have developed strong analytical skills over the years, you might want to pass them on to the next generation, whether they are your children, grandchildren, students, mentees, or colleagues. Here are some tips on how to do that effectively and enjoyably.
Prof. Dr. Khin-Ni-Ni TheinVice Chair of NARBO (2024-2026), Hydroinformatician, Global Advisory Council Member of the International Women Peace…
Mar. Introini, PhDFounder/Political Analyst thesustainabiilityreader.com/Global Chair G100 Global Networking
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