What do you do if logical reasoning fails to identify and analyze customer needs in product development?
Logical reasoning is a valuable skill for product development, as it helps you define the problem, generate hypotheses, test assumptions, and evaluate solutions. However, logical reasoning alone may not be enough to identify and analyze customer needs, which are often complex, ambiguous, and emotional. In this article, you will learn what to do if logical reasoning fails to uncover the true needs of your customers and how to complement it with other techniques.
Nitin Shrotri,CPM,PMPFounder Director NatureTech SimpleInventions,CEO Quantum Leap Consultants, Inventor,Patent Holder, Researcher, AI Apps,…
Ron W.Cybersecurity | Digital Transformation | Product Builder
Rohit Raj (CTP, FRM?, PDipBF, CCPP)Product Manager-Payments, Citi | Ex-HSBC | MBA, IIM Bangalore | PGP- AI for Leaders, University of Texas | BTech(H)…