What do you do if you believe starting a career in Emergency Management is easy and straightforward?
You might think that starting a career in emergency management is easy and straightforward. After all, you just need to have some basic skills, a passion for helping others, and a willingness to learn on the job, right? Wrong. Emergency management is a complex and challenging field that requires a lot of preparation, education, and experience. In this article, we will explain why emergency management is not as simple as it seems, and what you need to do to succeed in this rewarding but demanding profession.
Melissa Gore AGIA MAICD JPStrategic Planning | Governance & Performance | Operational Management | Business Process & Systems Improvement |…
Darren J ButteInternational Crisis & Emergency Management Specialist
Muzammal MurtazaFire Captain at @Red sea Fire & Rescue | Former Fire Captain at @Maaden phosphate company, @GE Power Company & @Saudi…