Comparison-based sorting algorithms have some advantages and disadvantages compared to other types of sorting algorithms. These algorithms are general and versatile, as they can sort any type of data with a defined comparison operation, such as numbers, strings, or objects. Additionally, they are stable, meaning that they preserve the relative order of equal elements in the original data. This is useful for sorting data by multiple criteria or maintaining the integrity of the data. Furthermore, these algorithms are adaptive, meaning that they can take advantage of some properties of the input data to perform faster or fewer operations. However, they have a lower bound of O(n log n) for the average or worst case time complexity. Additionally, these algorithms may require extra space to sort the data, which can be costly or impractical for large or limited memory systems. Non-comparison-based sorting algorithms, such as counting sort, radix sort, and bucket sort, can sort faster than O(n log n) in some cases but have some limitations and trade-offs; additionally, some non-comparison-based sorting algorithms are in-place and do not use extra space.