Sass provides you with a lot of flexibility and options to write your code, but you should also follow certain best practices and conventions to ensure its readability and maintainability. When coding, you should be mindful of the indentation and spacing style, such as two spaces or four spaces, and avoid mixing tabs and spaces. Additionally, establish a consistent naming convention for your variables, mixins, functions, and classes, such as kebab-case or camelCase. Furthermore, use comments to explain the logic and functionality of the code but avoid over-commenting or commenting obvious things. To import your Sass files, use the @use and @forward directives instead of @import for more control and clarity over the scope and visibility of your code. Additionally, use the & operator to nest your selectors and try to avoid excessive nesting that can result in overly specific selectors. Moreover, use the @extend directive to share properties between selectors but sparingly so as to avoid unintended side effects or conflicts. Finally, use the @if, @else, @for, @each, and @while directives for conditional logic and loops but try not to create complex logic that can make your code hard to understand or debug.