A good report should follow a standard structure that makes it easy for your audience to follow your logic, understand your findings, and evaluate your conclusions. When writing a testing and measurement report in electronic engineering, the structure should typically include a title page, an abstract, a table of contents, an introduction, methods, results, discussion, conclusion, references, and appendices. The title page should include the title of the report, the author's name and affiliation, the date of submission, and the contact details of the audience. The abstract should provide a concise summary of the objectives, methods, results, and conclusions; it should be written last and not exceed 250 words. The table of contents should list the main sections and sub-sections of the report with their page numbers. The introduction should introduce the background and context of the report, state its objectives and scope, and outline its structure. The methods section should describe the testing and measurement procedures used in detail so that your audience can replicate them; avoid unnecessary or irrelevant information. The results section should present data obtained using tables, graphs, charts or other visual aids; highlight main trends but avoid interpreting them. The discussion section should interpret and discuss results in relation to objectives and existing literature. The conclusion should summarize findings, conclusions, and recommendations related to objectives; avoid introducing new information or repeating details. The references section should list all sources cited in the report using a consistent citation style; finally appendices should include any additional or supplementary information that supports but isn't essential for understanding the report.