Is Your Company Very Serious About Sales and Sales Performance? One of the Most Comprehensive Sales Training Programs I have been Involved in.

Is Your Company Very Serious About Sales and Sales Performance? One of the Most Comprehensive Sales Training Programs I have been Involved in.

One of the days I was facilitating a strategic planning session when the managing director of the accompanies said his team needed some sales training. I suggested to him that I could do it. The managing director somehow never asked me about my education or training in sales and he asked me to go ahead and submit a sales proposal outlining the content and format. During those days, I was doing a lot of self-education in selling because I knew that as a consultant, I had to learn how to sell. I was loaded with notes from my studies so I compiled a sales training program using my training in training. From there on, I have offered many other companies sales training and got some feedback well beyond my expectation.

Now, if you know about Zimbabwe, you already know that many companies do not emphasize training and many companies rarely go through half-day or one day product awareness or service awareness when they do their “sales training.” When I do training, I do a sales training needs assessment and 95% of the time I get people employed in sales who have limited sales education and training but who also believe that they are performing at the best possible in sales. This is true for sales executives as it is for many sales managers and sales directors (also called heads of sales.) Now, for some reason, many people who get into sales have strong self-confidence and many are undermined by overconfidence from improving or shifting their sales performance and results. This is situation is made worse by the strange business and corporate culture of looking down upon sales. Some even denigrate sales and selling. The result is that many sales people, sales managers and sales director attribute poor sales, or a decline in sales to the environment and never to their own levels of competence and their approach to sales and selling. Let me brutally frank,

Many salespeople, sales managers and sales directors are poor to only moderately well trained, well-led and well informed about sales. In other words they do not have the levels of competence that they must have because they receive not, to poor sales training in terms of time, content, methodology and approach. Many sales managers and sales directors operate below their potential and many are not aware of this. ?

Let me say this;

You cannot expect outstanding sales from mediocre, poorly-led sales people!

You get outstanding sales results only when you wel-led, well-supported, excellent sales people.

No sales excellence no prolific sales. ?That’s it!

The 5-Day Vehicle Sales BootCamp

There is a lot more than just product or service awareness that is required for one to achieve sales excellence.

Now there was one company in vehicle sales that I worked with on several occasions. The marketing director of this company understood the value of serious sales training. The company had a dealer license for Mazda and Nissan in Zimbabwe. It had also subcontracted the leadership to some companies including Dulys, Croco Motors, AMC and Davecon.

After several in-house training for the main office sales executives, the marketing director assigned me to develop a comprehensive 5-day sales training boot camp for all the vehicle sales consultants in the dealership including the subcontracted dealers. The comprehensive program was based on the 12-Step Sales Process that was tailor-made specifically to vehicle sales and further focused on the two brands, Madza and Nissan.

We had this sales training boot camp at Pamuzinda Safari.

Sales and selling are two of the three toughest positions in a company. If business leaders appreciated how difficult these positions and if they fully realised that without sales there is no business, they would invest more in sales training, education, equipment, development, sales #management and sales leader. But most don't! Yet they expect record sales from their salespeople! It does not work. Global I suspect the trends are similar.

  1. How good are you at sales as company?
  2. How much time do you invest in sales training, education, equipment and development?
  3. How do you approach sales in your company?
  4. How much do you value the sales function and the #sales people in your organisation?
  5. How ambitious are you in sales?
  6. How good is the sales management in your company?
  7. How good is your sales leadership in your company?
  8. How well do you support your salespeople in your company

[email protected] +263-77-444-74-38

?Simon Bere, 2024


