Test design techniques are methods or strategies that enable you to create effective and efficient test cases. Equivalence partitioning is one such technique, which divides the input domain into equivalent classes with the same behavior or output. For example, if a software accepts a number between 1 and 100, you can create three equivalence classes: valid (1-100), invalid below the range (<1), and invalid above the range (>100). Boundary value analysis is another technique, which focuses on testing the boundary values of the input domain, as they are more likely to cause errors. For instance, if your software accepts a number between 1 and 100, you can test the boundary values of 0, 1, 100, and 101. Lastly, decision table testing uses a table to represent the combinations of inputs and outputs based on the logical conditions or rules of the software. For instance, if your software calculates the discount for a customer based on their age and loyalty status, you can create a decision table with four columns: age, loyalty status, discount, and output. Each row of this table represents a test case with different input and output values.