Once you have identified the outdated content on your website, you need to decide how to remove it. There are various ways to go about this, depending on the type, purpose, and impact of the content. Commonly used methods include deleting, updating, consolidating, and repurposing. For instance, if the content has no value or links, deleting it may be a viable option; however, this could result in 404 errors and harm user experience and SEO. Thus, you should always use a 301 redirect to point users to a relevant or updated page on your site or a custom 404 page. Alternatively, if the content still has some value or links but needs some changes or improvements, updating it can help boost traffic, engagement, conversions, and SEO ranking. Additionally, if you have multiple pages or posts that cover the same topics but have low traffic or quality, consolidating them into one comprehensive piece of content can help reduce clutter and increase authority. Lastly, if the content has potential but needs a different format or audience, repurposing it can help reach new audiences and generate more leads.