Depending on the scope, purpose, and resources of the analysis, there are various methods of LNA that can be employed. Surveys and questionnaires are a great way to collect quantitative and qualitative data from a large number of people, such as employees, managers, customers, or stakeholders, and measure the current level of competence, the desired level of competence, and the gap between them. Interviews and focus groups are beneficial for gathering in-depth and detailed information from a small group of key informants, such as subject matter experts, high performers, or trainers, to explore the causes and consequences of the competency gaps, and the possible solutions and recommendations. Observation and assessment are useful for observing and evaluating the actual performance and behavior of employees in their work environment, and for identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the employees, and the factors that influence their performance. Document analysis is a great way to review and analyze the existing documents and records related to the job, such as job descriptions, performance appraisals, training plans, or customer feedback, to verify and complement the data collected from other methods.