Fostering a strong operational risk culture across the organization requires a holistic and consistent approach that involves all levels and functions of the organization. To do this, you must establish a clear and shared vision and strategy for operational risk management, aligned with the organization's mission, values, and objectives. It is also important to communicate and reinforce the expectations and responsibilities for operational risk management, through policies, guidelines, roles, and metrics. Additionally, adequate resources and support should be provided for operational risk management, such as tools, data, training, and coaching. Positive behaviors and outcomes for operational risk management should be encouraged and rewarded - such as reporting, escalation, resolution, and innovation. The effectiveness and maturity of operational risk management should be monitored through audits, reviews, surveys, and indicators. Finally, learn from both internal and external operational risk experiences by sharing insights, best practices, and lessons learned. Operational risk culture is an ongoing process that requires continuous attention and improvement in order to enhance your operational risk management capabilities and outcomes.