Creating a SIPOC diagram requires you to start by writing down the main steps or activities that make up the process, from start to finish. This can be done using a flowchart, list, or diagram. Then, for each step or activity, you need to identify the output or result that is delivered to the next step or customer. Outputs can be tangible or intangible, such as products, services, information, or feedback. Additionally, for each output, identify who is the customer or recipient of that output. Customers can be internal or external entities. For each step or activity, identify what is the input or resource needed to perform that step and produce that output. Inputs can be materials, data, equipment, or people. Lastly, for each input, identify who is the supplier or provider of that input. Suppliers can also be internal or external sources. To organize your SIPOC diagram, you can use a table or template and incorporate colors, symbols, or labels to highlight important aspects.