Team dynamics are causing friction. How can you turn diverse viewpoints into problem-solving opportunities?
Diverse ideas causing friction in your team? Share how you turn these differences into problem-solving opportunities.
Team dynamics are causing friction. How can you turn diverse viewpoints into problem-solving opportunities?
Diverse ideas causing friction in your team? Share how you turn these differences into problem-solving opportunities.
l'écoute active parfois ne suffit pas un leader doit prendre la main pour faire travailler ensemble deux éléments qui sont en contradiction et parfois en compétition. les associer en leur donnant un objectif commun puis tester les solutions et éprouver les résultats
Diverse viewpoints can have both positive and negative effects. They can spark creativity, but they can also lead to conflict. I concentrate on fostering an environment of respect and open discourse in order to maximize the power of differing opinions. Even if a team member's thoughts are different from the majority, I urge them to be freely expressed. In addition, I lead organized conversations so everyone may express their thoughts and actively listen to others. By highlighting the importance of other viewpoints, we can turn possible disputes into chances for original problem-solving.
With "diversity" now being a buzzword in the boardroom, companies need to organize to give room to different views. It requires a new leadership style and an adjusted culture. Such things do not come by themselves so the first thing to do is to make a plan and decide how to embrace diversity and divers viewpoints, and how to benefit from them. Because remember: culture eats strategy for lunch!
Encourager l’écoute active : Favoriser un espace où chacun peut s’exprimer librement. Mettre en place des ateliers de co-création : Impliquer tous les membres dans la recherche de solutions. Valoriser les différences : Souligner la richesse des perspectives variées. Clarifier les objectifs communs : Aligner l’équipe autour d’une vision partagée.
As like any couple, me and my wife love each other and we have our set of differences. But its been everytime without a miss that crisis situation comes, we are one to resolve it because our vision for family is same. It is a Leaders ability to portray crisis situation and a sense of emergency that can cause oneness in any team. Connecting back to why they exist and what they are here to fulfil. Asking right questions? Would you allow the team to go down? Your expertise in X could come in help to resolve this situation, would you be available to help here? Sense of belonging and recognition is key.
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